Leadership Training & Coaching
Leadership is an art. “The art of leadership is the ability to find your people, know where they are and then take them where they would like to go that will achieve the goals and aims that you have”, John Maxwell.
We help leaders lead effectively, inspire and lift the leadership lid for everyone in the organisation thereby creating a cycle of positive change where everyone contributes their fullest potential.
Our focus is on building:
- Capability to lead self
- Capability to influence
- Character and value-based leadership
- Resonant leadership
- Emotional and social intelligence
- People centred leadership
- Change capable leadership
Leader as Coach Training
Learn how to apply and practice coaching techniques to influence those you lead. Coaching is leadership as it is also about influence. If leaders are to improve the quality of results of those they lead, they have to exercise influence. Unless people are changed at the level of their behaviour, nothing will change in their performance. That’s where the mechanics of coaching come in. Coaching influences both the conscious and subconscious levels, it unleashes a person’s potential, increase awareness, responsibility and accountability. It enables thinking and reconnects the person with their potential and intelligence that is rarely tapped on by normal performance management systems.
The secret is in the how.
Mentor Training & Coaching
The mind is the epicentre of performance. Understanding how the mind works and how people go through the learning cycle, their preferred learning styles coupled with practicing the 4 key competencies you must have as a mentor and how to take mentees through a cycle of experience that will help them cross the bridge between knowing and doing will make you a great coach and mentor and thus a great leader.
Mastermind Groups
Using various leadership principles as a guide, we hold in-depth studies that will afford you the opportunity to join forces and mastermind with a unique group of like-minded professionals and leaders who are focused on taking results in every area of their lives to a new level. Having the support and ideas from other focused and driven people allows you to see things differently and to get a new perspective on how you can lead effectively.